The Certain Way of Getting Rich — Chapter 1

Reinhardt Jobse
5 min readJan 9, 2021


There are plenty of things like “being content with what you have” which can be said in admiration of poverty. The truth is that a person cannot live a fulfilled life unless he is rich.

No person can become the best version of themselves unless they have an abundance of money. To become the best version of yourself, you need money to buy things which satisfy your needs and desires. You need money to finance your ideas and ambitions if you want to make the world a better place.

To develop in mind, body, and soul, man must make use of things. Society is arranged in such a way that you cannot acquire things without money. For man to advance, he must develop the ability to think and act in a Certain Way.

The purpose of life is growth. Everything we see, hear, smell and touch has an absolute right to all the development it can attain.

The essence of man’s life is to use all things he needs to realise his spiritual, mental, and physical potential. It is man’s right to use all these things, in other words, his right to be rich.

In this series, I will not be talking of riches by way of symbolic speech. To be rich, genuinely rich, it means that one is delighted and grateful for what you have. You ought not to be content or satisfied if you can attain more things that you can use and enjoy.

It is in nature’s spirit to advance and increase. Every man must have all he desires to contribute to the beauty, elegance, magnificence, and function of life. To be satisfied with little while you can realise more is sinful.

If you can have all the things you desire and can do what you want, you are rich. A man without an abundance of money cannot have what he desires nor do what he wants. Life has evolved so much that no man or woman can live a complete and meaningful life without acquiring an abundance of wealth.

Every person’s desire to have and do more (to advance) is natural and the essence of life. We cannot help wanting to have more, do more and become better. Success in life is to become who and what you want to be, and you can only become successful by using things. And to make use of things, you must become rich to buy them and pay people for their services.

To master the Certain Way of getting rich is the most important skill of all.

It should be clear to you that there is nothing wrong with wanting to be rich. The innate desire for more is really the desire to live a more prosperous, more complete, and abundant life. And this desire for more (which in nature’s spirit) is worthy of praise and worship.

There is something abnormal with the man who does not want to live an abundant life. It is therefore fair to say that the man who does not desire more money is abnormal.

We live for the body, the mind, and the soul. No one of these is more important or holier than the other. All three are equal and alike, the essential reasons we live for. None of these can live entirely without the other being present. The mind, body and spirit depend on each other.

It is not fair to only live for the soul and deny mind and body. And it is wrong to deny body and soul to live for intellect alone. We are well aware of the consequences when we live for the body only, denying mind and soul its rightful place.

We are also aware that an abundant life can only be realised when we give complete expression of our mind, body, and soul. No matter what you think or say, it is a fact that no man can be happy unless his mind, body, and soul are free to live and able to fully express itself.

You will find dissatisfaction where people cannot express themselves or when a specific function can’t be performed. The same goes for where any one of the three, mind, body or soul is denied expression or not allowed to perform its intended functions.

Man’s body can’t continue functioning without food, water, shelter, and clothes. The body needs to be active, and man must work, but not without rest and leisure essential to man’s well-being.

Man will not live fully in mind without intellectual companionships, books, and time to educate himself. Suppose a man wants to live fully in mind. In that case, he must surround himself with intellectual recreations such as arts, music, and beauty, which he can enjoy and admire.

If man is to live fully in soul, he must have love. The essence of love lies in the ability to give. Love finds fulfilment in giving, and he who has nothing to give cannot fill his rightful place as a brother, husband, community member, or man.

Only by material things can man find full life for his body, develop his mind, and expand his soul. It is therefore vital that man MUST become rich, not only for the fulfilment of his desires but for the advancement of all.

In closing, I think you will agree that it is right for you to desire wealth. It is perfect, and you cannot help but wanting to be rich if you are a normal man or woman. It is also entirely right that you make a study and give most of your attention to the Certain Way of Getting Rich. It is the most noble and essential study every person can undertake.

Becoming rich is a journey and a worthy undertaking which advances your soul and makes more life for all.

If you neglect this study, you are derelict in your duty to yourself, God and humanity. You can render God and humanity no more extraordinary service than to make the most of yourself.



Reinhardt Jobse
Reinhardt Jobse

Written by Reinhardt Jobse

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