The Certain Way of Getting Rich — Chapter 2
There is a certain way of acquiring wealth, which, like algebra, is an exact discipline. This way is governed by laws and principles which if you learn and apply them, you cannot fail to get rich.
People, whether by accident or on purpose, get rich when they do things a Certain Way. There are those who regardless of how gifted they or how hard they work who remain poor merely because they are NOT doing things a Certain Way.
There is a natural law that for every action, there is an equal or greater reaction. Every cause has an effect, and, because of this, it is possible for any man or woman who learns the skills of doing things this Certain Way to acquire wealth beyond imagination.
The following facts will prove the statement above.
If getting rich was a matter of environment, all the people in some neighbourhoods will become wealthy. The people of one city will all be rich, while those living in other towns will all be poor. One country will be rich while a neighbouring country would live in poverty.
Next time when driving around, you will see that rich and poor live side by side, in the same surroundings, and most often you will find that they are engaged in the same careers. Think of two lawyers who have their law firms who live and work in the same area. If the one gets rich and the other remains poor, it shows that getting rich is not primarily a matter of environment.
Sure, there are instances where some environments are more favourable than others. Still, when two people are engaged in the same professions and the same city, and the one gets rich. At the same time, the other fails miserably; it shows that acquiring wealth results from doing things in the Certain Way.
The ability to do things the Certain Way is not because of some unique gifts or talents. There are many gifted and well-versed people, people you know who are poor. Then you find people with little talent who are rich.
When studying people who got rich, you will find that they are quite an average lot who don’t possess extraordinary gifts or talents. It becomes clear that they didn’t get rich because of talents or exceptional abilities. Still, they acquired wealth because they did things in a Certain Way.
Also, getting rich is not because of saving and carefulness; many stingy people are poor, while those who spend freely often get rich. If this is a new idea, consider it well, and as we progress, I am confident that it will dawn on you why.
Getting rich also has nothing to do with doing things which other people fail to do. Two men who are in the same business, are often engaged in performing the same activities. One becomes rich, and the other remains poor or even goes bankrupt.
Considering all the above, we must conclude that acquiring wealth has everything to do with doing things in a Certain Way. And if getting rich is the result of doing things in the Certain Way, then it is possible for any man or woman who do things in this manner to become wealthy.
This begs the question whether doing things this Certain Way is not too difficult that only a select few will be able to acquire the skills and apply these principles. It is a false belief, and not true as far as ability is concerned. Talented people get rich, and average people get rich. Intellectual and educated people get rich, and stupid people get rich. Strong and healthy people get rich, and weak and sickly people get rich.
Of course, one must have the ability to think and comprehend. As far as natural ability is concerned, it is possible for any man or woman who has enough sense to read and understand these words, to get rich.
We have also seen that it is not a matter of environment. Sure, location counts for something. You wouldn’t go to Antarctica and expect to conduct business and be successful. Acquiring wealth involves the necessary dealing with people and being where there are people to deal with. If those people are happy to do things the way you want, so much the better, but that’s really how much location matters to getting rich.
If there is anybody in your neighbourhood who can get tich, so can you. If there is someone in your city who can get rich, so can you.
It is not a matter of being in a specific business or choosing a particular career which will bring you wealth because people get rich in any business and profession. In contrast, others who live in the same locality and are engaged in the same business remain poor.
Naturally, you will do well in a business you like and which you have the knack for. If you have particular talents, you will do well in the vocation that demands those talents. You will also do well in a business suited to where you live like an ice cream shop which will do better in a warm climate rather than Greenland.
Setting aside all these general limitations, acquiring wealth has nothing to do with the business you’re in or the career you choose. It has everything to do with you learning to do things the Certain Way. Look at it this way. Suppose you own a bed shop and somebody else who is in your region, also owns a bed shop and gets rich while you are not. In that case, it is because that person is doing something in a Certain Way which you are not.
Everyone can get rich, and no one is prevented from getting rich by having a lack of money. It is true that as you receive money, it increases frequently and rapidly, but then again, one who has capital is already wealthy and need not consider how to become so.
It doesn’t matter how “poor” you are, but if you can begin to do things the Certain Way, you will start to increase your wealth and gain money in the process. Money is a part of the process in getting rich and acquiring wealth, and as you progress, you will find that it is also a part of the result which follows as you do things in the Certain Way.
It could be that you are the poorest man alive with no friends, influence or even a job. Still, if you begin to do things in the Certain Way you will without fail, acquire wealth for like causes produces like effects.
If you haven’t got any money, you can get money. If you find that you are in the wrong business, you can get into the right business. If you’re in the wrong job, you can learn a new skill and get into the position you want.
You can be, do, or have anything you want if you begin to do things in the Certain Way where you are now, which will cause success.
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Note: This piece has been taken from “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles and adapted. I have found that in doing this, I learn and internalise the principles taught.