Why can’t people just be happy, healthy and wealthy?

Reinhardt Jobse
2 min readJan 24, 2021
Happiness can be found in a cup.

Every day, I see people getting by without knowing that they have the power to change their lives, become who they want, and have the things they not only need but desire too.

Suppose you were to spend two minutes with them, you will quickly find that a common belief they share is the belief that they don’t deserve an abundant life, that they are somehow special not to be blessed with life’s greatest gifts.

They believe:

· That they will never have the opportunity or get that “lucky” break to live the life they want.

· That wealth and happiness are exclusive and for a select few.

· That the best way to serve their Creator is to remain humble and poor.

There is an endless list of limiting beliefs we can write out, but it will be fruitless focusing on those beliefs and studying them.

We should know this; there is a power that has been bestowed on us to create the life we want, and that we should focus and direct our energy on uniting us with the source of all creation.

People don’t like to be wrong, and when challenged with a new idea, they will defend their beliefs to death — even those who think of themselves as being open-minded.

They may think that they are open-minded. Sadly, the mind can easily be fooled to believe something which is not true. Once we believe in something, we, for some reason, close our minds to things which contradicts those beliefs.

How can we change that?

You can start by questioning your beliefs with an open mind, and only then will you be able to determine fact from fiction.

Once you’ve identified the stories (beliefs) you’ve been telling yourself, you can start to think of the story you want to tell yourself.

Then you continue with the new story until it becomes a reality.

Once you acquire the desired health, wealth, and happiness, you can’t help but attract those seeking it. When this happens, you are presented with an opportunity to inspire and empower them to do the same.



Reinhardt Jobse

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